2018 Reunion

Another wonderful Reunion thanks to our beloved Betsy Ryan who has made these informal events seem so effortlessly welcoming since 2016. For 2018 there was a pre-reunion gathering at Steve Dixon’s in nearby Lee on Friday evening followed by an after reunion dinner at Cafe Adam in Great Barrington. Once again Betsy has for the 3rd year in row made sure the weather will be near perfect so if you were a “may be” in the past please join us in 2019!

Each year brings more alums from our past, some not seen in decades. It was wonderful to see Brenda Harris and Bill Dobbs both 69 grads. My memory of Brenda was always her still amazing smile and serene peaceful nature that was the essence of Windsor, at least to me. Bill was/is a dynamic creative force who developed the unique box set 1969 Yearbook, organized the first 1996 Reunion, and was the national promoter of the Occupy Now movement (and no doubt many other accomplishments). But what I enjoy most is seeing old friends, meeting new ones from the 50’s to 70’s, all the great stories, music (click here and here) and homemade snacks … and if you close your eyes, inhale the crisp air, it feels like your first fall afternoon on the main house lawn [perfection] … see you next year!

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2018 Reunion Music

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