1970 Yearbook+Other

Have worked with most kinds of Windsor Yearbooks, but his one is very strange. To begin with, there are only 5 words in the whole of 50+ pages, and they are in the inside cover that read The Windsor Mountain School 1970.  No mention of Seniors or Faculty, or pictures. Not even a picture of Heinz or Gertrud. Then there is the book itself. It measures 8″ wide by 9″ long, pages are black ink on white 80lb matte coated, with a 100lb matte coated cover that has extended flaps. Usually when you see multi-signature books they are nested inside each other with a center staple. This one is 3 x 16+ pg signatures, side stapled w/paper wrap glue cover (not hardbound). A lot of the pics were from 1969 based on the fact that Mike Tyburski (nice one with child near last page … he died way too young) among several others had already graduated. Weird about no senior pictures either as I recall AB Taylor grabbing me at lunch in March 1970 and took my picture in front of Main House. Perhaps it is better to think of this book as a post 1969 hazy outtake 1970 unfinished Booklet, a non-defined collection of memories, places, and people of our beloved school now 50 years long ago.  

Here’s my theory of what happened. Dobbs had set a high bar with 1969 box set Yearbook (click here), and so the 1970 crew wanted to emulate it, but by spring the Beatles broke up and WMS was either too stoned or just completely apathetic. Either Maurice or ? went down to the Chem Lab darkroom and scooped up all the photos they could find and went to Quality Press in Pittsfield and said make up some booklets – we’ll be back with copy. August rolled around, no copy. Ok, just side staple the signatures (booklets?), glue on a cover, and print WMS 1970 somewhere on it. Keep in mind our parents shelled out $150 for a yearbook (I recall my father told me) … I imagine when it arrived they didn’t know what to make of this strange book, no doubt they thought it was for fund raising and many just tossed it out.

I want to thank fellow 1970 graduate Robert Talbot who not only saved this Yearbook, but also the Graduation Invitation and Program for the Three Penny Opera put on the evening before.

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1970 Yearbook Group