2023 Reunion

WMS September 16, 2023 Reunion in Lenox: thanks to wonderful weather and the advance planning and negotiations with BU by Betsy R, we once again had our long awaited Reunion after a long Covid hiatus since 2019 with over 50 alums in attendance. Although the BU grounds rental had increased by 5 times, thanks to many last minute late arrivals, we raised an additional $900 which will be used for replacing one or more trees on the pathway to the Theater along with plaques dedicated to the Bondy family and others who made Windsor the wonderful place it was. Here is a video by Peter Lafford of the proposed tree project presented by Valerie Williams from BU (click here). Sadly due to health issues, Betsy was not able to come, but again Peter recorded this video wishing her well, and we look forward to seeing her (and you) next year (click here).

Also thanks to Dr Dan F and others, we have over 150 photos from the Reunion. If you have some photos not already posted on Face Book, and would being willing to share them, please email Reunion@windsormountainschool.com.

There were some first time returning alums, some who had not come back since 1996, some not since 2006, and some not since 2016, but it was great to see everyone. For those who say they are too old, or they won’t know anyone, think of the reunions this way; you know the school and chances are it was an important part of your life, though a short part, we all share that. Gertrude, Max, Heinz, Maurice and so many others left a lasting legacy in all of us alums. That legacy, that experience, is something we all can share with each other whether you were there in 1950 or 1975. Your story is an important part of what started in Germany and lives on in all of us. And some the stories are amazing!

So we hope to see you next year!

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2023 Reunion
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