WMS ie Newspaper 1969-70

To my knowledge, WMS two versions of a Newspaper called “i.e.” The early versions were mimeographed, sometimes on colored paper and corner stapled, the second larger version was sent out for commercial printing and usually distributed at spring Mayfair. There were other WMS “news” publications such as the early versions of “L’allegro” in the early 1950s (a 50+ page version from 1954 coming soon) that would later be transformed into Yearbooks beginning 1955, through to the “1973 Bulletin.”

Had not come across versions of the early i.e. mimeo issues, however thanks to Peter Goldman, a late issue, Vol 5, Number 1 from Sept 1969 is available below and PDF (click here). Emily Slate as Editor is featured on page 2 (click here), proclaiming Fall 1969 to be the start of a new year with doors unlocked and Mr. Gillette (business manager) gone. Steve Crafts predicts the world will end by 2018, and Heinz attempts to understand rebellious youth, decline in society and disrespect for authority. The 5th and last page features Beverly Poitier and Caril Powell welcoming the new students to the Windsor community. I would ask the reader/alum, if you have earlier volumes of the mimeo i.e. versions, please reach out to me via “Contact Us” – Thanks!

The larger commercial printed version of i.e. had 2 volumes (3 printings) between 1969-70. They were 11.75” x 16” formatted with 3 columns, thus designed to feel like a newspaper. Printed at The Studley Press in Dalton with credited assistance of Tom Reardon. The truly odd part was that unlike a newspaper, it was printed on just one side of each sheet and left corner stapled.

Another oddity is the method of printing. In the late 1960s fast copy printing was just coming to its own. A company called Itek was selling direct-to-offset plate systems, and there were early photocopiers pioneered by Xerox. None of these “quick/cheap” methods were great, and usually had some background imaging which can be seen on “ie” pages, especially the outer edges. Also being pioneered was the advent of Stochastic Halftone screens instead of round/oval dot screens that were limited to 85 lpi for photocopiers. Typesetting was still mostly still set Linotype hot metal, galley proofed, pasted up with screened paper photos which I believe is true for “ie,” whether it was photo-plated to offset, or liquid toner photo-copied is unclear.

Each issue of “ie” will be in picture/slideshow format, and as download PDF – both versions in top half / bottom half segments of each page. If you want to reproduce the original, simply print out both halves and tape together.

To start, the last one first … Vol 2, No 2 (PDF here). Page 1 has two stories that are also offered separately as PDFs for ease of reading. The interview with Gertrud (click here) is worth reading to understand the genesis of the school which I recommend following up with her daughter Annemarie memoir “Marienau – a daughter’s reflection” available on Amazon. The story “Here’s what you can do” (click here) is amazing in that the talking points just after the very first Earth Day in April 1970 remain so very relevant today, and that WMS had a Earth Day Committee! Page 3 “The Art Studio” though short, is a nice snapshot in time, followed by a bizarre Gonzo-isk “English Paper” by Jay Sandler.

Next is the first “i.e.” … Vol 1, No 1 (PDF here). Published to be available at the 1969 May Fair, it includes the weekend’s schedule of events. Through this edition is featured the artwork of Peter Hoagland who went on to be a Sculptor and passed away in Maine in the mid 1980’s. The main featured article on Page 3 is an Editorial by Heniz that starts “The last three or four years have been a nightmare for most educators … Attitudes, students and teachers have changed so far and so fundamentally …” that he wonders if it is “perhaps been long overdue.” He then lists six “foremost problems” responsible; student worldview, revolt against codes and morals, interest in militant solutions, drugs, apathy, and clothes/long hair. Unfortunately Heinz devotes most of the article to drugs having accepted[?] that long hair was a “perverted” form of protest. Other articles of interest include a “True Story” recounts the failed SDS school takeover, “Movie Review” of Birth of a Nation by Caril Powell, “Is Real a true hip Being” by Steve Allen.

Last is perhaps the most interesting “i.e.” Vol 2, No 1 (PDF here) as it certainly pushed Windsor’s bounds of free speech. Produced in March 1970 it was quickly followed by Vol 2, No 2 that came out in May to be the offering for Mayfair attending parents. Starting with page 1, left column “To Whom it may concern” suggests that the victims of My Song, Vietnam be used as food (yikes), followed by a erotic poem/prose “Pissgums Spurts.” Page 2 has two WMS faculty articles: “Alice’s Restaurant” (Steve Crafts) and “Risk Yourself” (Maurice Eldridge), but most timely is “Confessions of a Black Girl” (Beverly Poitier – click here) which reminds us how little progress we have made in our racially divided America. David Smith had two articles; the first “In Search of God and Self” and second “Thesis … on LSD” both must have had a few parents calling Heinz. Then there is the ultimate sarcastic WMS Cheer by John Robertson. Featured art by Riccardo Vanzetti.

ie Vol5 No1
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